Topcover instrument cases 200 x 120 mm

Universal instrument enclosures W × H = 194 × 115 mm for indoor applications are molded from ABS and ASA-PC plastics. The instrument cases are used for handheld, desktop and wall-mounted systems.
All the dimensions are in mm.

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2 enclosures
1 enclosure
190 200 210
Part number Image Length Width Height Material PCB max IP max Comment
1 Toptec 194F Side panels simplify assembly of boards with connectors 194 115 46 ABS UL94 HB 187×106 IP40 4 parts enclosure snapped in screwless by snap-lock,top and bottom parts with recessed area; fastening pillars for PCBs on the bottom part; versions with ventilations slots are available
2 Toptec 194H Instrument enclosure with built in wall-mounting frame for indoor applications 194 115 68 ABS UL94 HB 187×106 IP40 4 parts enclosure snapped in screwless by snap-lock,top and bottom parts with recessed area; fastening pillars for PCBs on the bottom part; versions with ventilations slots are available
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The data are taken from catalogs and webpages of the manufacturers. Please check dimensions and other parameters before starting the project.  We would be glad if you  tell us  about any errors you notice.
Screwless assembled enclosures
universal enclosure for handheld, tabletop and wall-mounting application.
Screwless assembled enclosure with ventilation slots
Screwless assembled enclosure used for wall mounting applications